Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The following videos have been dubbed over with some appropriate background music - otherwise, you'd be listening to nothing but bubbles or wind.

Some video of the diving I did off of Maui. Unfortunately, I was limited to one day since the doctor in Maui told me not to dive for a few days after we got back from Christmas Island because of the open cuts in my hand. Our dive master was a girl - I think it's obvious which one ;-)

Ahh, those Green Sea turtles that seem to be everywhere in Hawaii. Quite amazing to look at. Some classical Handel and Vivaldi in the background seemed appropriate.

Some colorful reef fish of Maui. The black and yellow fish that looks like the Jamaican flag is called - Humuhumunukunukuapua`a in Hawaiian and is their state fish. It's more commonly known as the Picasso Triggerfish.

A Spotted Eagle ray I saw off the Northwest end of Maui, near the black volcanic rock outcroppings.

Some bright yellow Longnose Butterflyfish we ran into while in Maui.

The picture to the right and the following video were taken from the top of Maui's Haleakala volcano at its 10,000 foot peak. Both of these views are at false dawn into dawn looking down into the cinder crater of the volcano. It was quite peaceful and silent up there. Looking down at the clouds was pretty surreal.

Where to next? Peacock Bass in Amazonian Brazil, Sailfish off of Guatamala, Mongolian Taimen, Giant trout of Kamchatka or Tierra del Fuego - who knows, but stay tuned.